Symptoms – Nervousness, anxiety, pain, mood swings, vaginal dryness, loss of skin tone, feeling cold, irregular periods, insomnia, mild hot flashes, constipation, palpitation, bloating and joint pain.
Diet – Increase warm food and drinks. Take regular meals and use spices, fennel and cumin. Decrease –caffeine and other stimulants, refined sugar cold drinks, cucumber, organic food, use spices and cumin and fennel. Avoid hot spicy foods, hot drinks and alcohol, no eating late at night.
Lifestyle –Early bed-time, oil massage, using almond and olive oil, meditation, yoga, regular exercise like walking.
Herbs – Anti vata herbs include ashwagandha, arjuna, astragalus, cardamom, garlic, ginseng, guggul, sandalwood and ziziphus.