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Children's Immunity

Children with poor immunity are prone to frequent infections. Strengthening a child’s immune system may keep him/her from succumbing to infection after infection – especially at season change time when germs abound and the weather makes all more vulnerable to infection.

Nature has set us up with all the equipment we need to be perfectly healthy. Health is our natural state, and ill health is unnatural. Every day our systems are exposed to literally millions of bacteria, viruses, allergens, even carcinogens, and yet our immune system has the intelligence and skill to deal with all those invaders and keep us healthy.

However, when stress (exams/tests), inadequate nutrition (eating junk food), or just fatigue weakens the immune system, those same invaders may produce disease. Healthy digestive system along with a healthy immune system is the mainstay of good health. According to Ayurveda, healthy digestion plays an integral part in establishing good health and well-being. When the digestive system fails to function optimally, the body becomes congested, blocking circulation and inhibiting movement of toxins out of the body. Therefore, it is imperative that people work to establish good digestion. Our Child’s immunity care is a uniquely effective combination of products specially designed to help children (1-16 years) stay well. Formulated to activate specific and general immune factors and correcting digestive disorders, it promotes healthy immune function and helps revitalize immune activity, especially in the nose, throat, bronchi, lungs and intestines.

Taken daily it provides continuous long term support for children’s immune systems and digestive system and helps them maintain good health, even when they are experiencing stress or adrenal fatigue.